Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top teeth

I can usually pinpoint the moment her teeth break through to within about an 1 hour. When she sobs and cries and fusses and tosses uncontrollably– to the point where you wonder whether you should call the doctor, social services or an exorcist – for about an hour, you can usually look in after and see a bit of white poking at the gum.

I’ve been lucky enough to miss most of these – the first time, we were at a wedding and she was with a friend of my Mom’s. The next two, my mother in law had her. But I think I was home for the last one – though I’m not sure I totally see the tooth coming through… This may be an extension of the joy of tooth #3. Which means there’s more!

Of course, you might argue that there are, in fact, 16 more. But my mother in law has told me that a lady at Safeway told her that only the first 4 are a problem. She’s decided to go with this – not to seek a second opinion from another person or to start polling shoppers at any other store. Because we like this news. This suggests that we are almost done. We are therefore going with it. Please don’t burst my bubble.


  1. Oh no, teething is not fun for baby or mama. Stopping in from SITS.

  2. No bubble-bursting from me. Just hang in there... eventually all the hideous teething is over (or so I assume - we're not quite done yet over here)!

  3. I'm just going to pretend I was never here, he he he. Enjoy the fact that there is a possibility that you're almost done. Whether or not it's true. :-D


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