Monday, March 29, 2010

In the spirit of Easter - UPDATED

Quote of the day

We were talking about potty training and my husband looked at me and said:

“Do you think it was hard to potty train Jesus?”

How does milk not come out your nose at the randomness of THAT thought?!

I hate to pick favorites as all the comments were awesome, but this one made me laugh out loud, so I HAD to add it. FromGrace's Mom:

Perhaps, once we are addressing potty training, I should get Grace a WWJD bracelet for guidance?


  1. Hmmm...perhaps, once we are addressing potty training, I should get Grace a WWJD bracelet for guidance?


  2. hahahaha! that's too funny to be blasphemous.

  3. All I can say is that given my daughter is now three and STILL showing no signs of interest in potty training I am definitely in need of some kind if miracle around here. She has to be potty trained to attend her new preschool this fall so if anyone is offering up any prayers please say one for me!

  4. i love this thought. i'm a minister and a mom, and i've wondered the same thing myself. i suspect jesus was just as difficult to potty train as the rest of us. we concentrate so much on the "post-easter jesus," (as marcus borg would say) that we often forget about the "pre-easter" jesus who was authentically human. happy easter!
    -mary allison (

  5. FUNNY!!! Never even thought of that

    Found you on SITS :D

  6. Haha! That is pretty random. I am always whipping out random comments, and my hubby just gives me "the look." I do wonder though... DID Jesus need to be potty trained? lol

  7. haha This is so funny! I think I might even call my husband at work and ask him the same question! I found you on SITS, glad I did!!!

  8. LOL! Great!!..well, do you think it was?

  9. I can not stop laughing. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I'm trying to find Bible passages that pertain to Holy Week for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, for my blog. Now I can't even take it serious. I'll have to work on that another day.

  10. Hahahahhahaha! that is to funny!!

  11. haha I don't think he really did anything but laugh! and I love the WWJD comment, oh man! so many laugh out loud moments...they make my day!

  12. Hubs did say this: "Jesus probably changed his own diapers & potty trained himself so I bet it's one of those theological mysteries." haha

  13. Do you think Jesus was an early potty boy or a late one? My guess is probably around 22 months????

    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  14. Hilarious...and good question, actually. You have to wonder if he had a, "Don't you know who I AM?" attitude!

  15. I feel so honored that you updated your post with my little comment! The pressure is really on, now. I have to follow that up with more witty comments...and thank your hubby for inspiring my hilarity! :)

    Okay, off to the think-tank to think of more funny things to comment...

  16. LOL That's too funny! Stopping by from SITS!

  17. that's a good one. also. that's one question i think i'll refrain from asking him when i see him.


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